You've got questions? We've got answers!
You've got questions? We've got answers!
Q: I’m pregnant, can I try it?
A: We tend to lean on the conservative side with this. We say no. We don’t want to potentially stimulate nerves that could irritate labor symptoms. Once you’re postpartum and still have a leaky bladder, please give us a try.
Q: Can I use the patch during sex?
A: No, the patch should be removed prior to sexual intercourse.
Q: Can I pee with the patch on?
A: Some women can. Some women can’t. Just depends on how your body adjusts to the patch.
Q: Does it hurt?
A: Most women say they can’t even feel it.
Q: Is it safe?
A: Our clinical trial showed zero adverse affects. You can find those results at Feasibility Study Evaluating the ParaPatch System - Study Results - ClinicalTrials.gov
Q: How long can/should I wear the patch?
A: A normal voiding schedule is between 4-6 hours. Depending on how your body adjusts to the patch, you’ll want to attempt a similar schedule.
Q: What’s the adhesive made of?
A: It’s a medical grade acrylic adhesive. Made for skin contact.
Q: How long does it take to work?
A: I't’s different for everyone but, most women say that they stopped leaking immediately. Yes, it sounds crazy but, you’ll just have to try it. Other women have said it took a couple of days of consecutive use to finally stop leaking. REMEMBER; if it doesn’t work for you, we have a 30 day risk free money back guarantee.
Q: Where is Lady Patch manufactured?
A: Lady Patch is proudly made in the USA!
Q: Do I have to pull my clitoral hood back to place the patch?
A: Some women do, some women don’t. Really just depends on how your body responds to the patch while you’re wearing it.
Q: What’s the difference between the Regular Patch and the Active Patch?
A: Stickiness. The Active Patch is stickier than the Regular Patch. You may want to use the Regular Patch for everyday use and the Active Patch for workouts or dancing or any event where you’ll be a bit more sweaty.
Q: Can I wear the patch while I’m on my period?
A: We suggest that you don’t. The liquid might cause the patch to slip off.